Monday, January 7, 2013

January 2013-Coop Gallery

In this installment I will highlight some of the best artists that we, at Coop Gallery (the arcade downtown, a gallery space i have helped run since 2010) have shown.  We have openings every first Saturday of the month, along with a ton of other galleries.

Coming next month in February we will be showing Jane Fox Hipple, who has been in a quarterly.  

Nikki Painter

This was an installation that should NOT have worked, but did.  Picture fake plants spray painted neon, cardboard.  Now picture that as beautiful.

Peter Froslie-September 2011

This guy I brought in, good stuff, amazing actually, the best in my opinion that we have ever hosted.

Elizabeth Ferrill-Spril 2012

ps- 10.13, i now OWN this above work!  yay!

Love these little cardboard macquettes of store fronts.  Love.  They are smallish, fetish like, at once fragile but serious.