Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 2013, Pattern/Texture/Pattern/Color

My studio concerns as of late are hinging around notions of pattern, texture and materiality.  To this end, this quarterly is devoted to some of the artists I am looking at recently. I'm not going to write a lot about it, as it might cloud my head in terms of my current studio pursuits.  Also, you might be able to see my current work soon (in the next few months) up in Nashville. More to come on that...

Also, these are all paintings, not digital images, so this post is basically worthless.  Need to see the real things.

not afraid to make non-archival work, this marty.  

also love this installation view.

mary heliman

major painter, can see an Art 21 video on her too. Shows at Hauser and Wirth.  Color, color color.

i posted a status quoting helen molesworth, curator of sillman's ICA Boston's retrospective (up now!). 

"“It’s the older model,” Ms. Molesworth said. “You went to school and then you worked alone, hard, until you got good.”

love her iconography.